The easiest way to make more money is to reduce costs. Smart farms are resource efficient and consistent through the automated and precise application of those resources.
Scientific and data driven facility design based on international quality standards (GAP/cGMP) and years of real world 3D microclimate data and performance.
Manage cultivation and facility data with ease for continuous improvement and decision support. Give your data context with our 3D microclimate and substrate maps. Go beyond monitoring, achieve Total Crop Steering.
The highest efficiency control algorithms built on a flexible and reliable industrial automation backbone. Control your indoor farm or greenhouse with maximum precision and flexibility from anywhere in the world.
Cannabis cultivation facilities are the most advanced in the world. Consistently growing the highest quality crop requires tight environmental controls, total crop steering, rigorous process and quality audits, and maximum square foot utilization. Managing all this can be a challenge unless all components are carefully designed to work together flawlessly. Grownetics leads the industry in efficient cultivation systems and has dropped operating costs over 60% in some cases. See our testimonials and University of Colorado affiliated study.
From process design to automation systems. We start with highly resilient and reliable open standards that will still be relevant in 10-20years.
Work our team of facility designers, engineers, and cultivators to develop and implement your:
Are you struggling with yield or quality issues?
Grownetics consultants can help with